Wednesday, December 9, 2015




☆牡羊座 ☆
Be careful because the interpersonal relationships tend to be unnecessary too much. In love, just be careful of brainwashing, otherwise romantic. Reading a serious book.

Watch out for a sudden injury or illness. If the condition is bad, don't work too hard. Rest well. Someone is very kind to you.

A special time in the interpersonal relations. Someone makes your feeling high. But, you proceed with caution.

☆蟹座 ☆
「手に職をつけたい」という気持ちで、一生懸命に作業をする。家族との喧嘩に気をつけよう。恋愛や遊びは好調。You work hard because you want to acquire pragmatic skills. Avoid a quarrel with the family. Romance & fun are good.

☆獅子座 ☆
While you have entered to the fun time, don't do dangerous acts. Safety is important. Your heart will be satisfied.

☆乙女座 ☆
Be careful of accidents. Do not overuse your body. Work gets busy suddenly but take a deep breath and you'll be OK. Someone's kind words. Or gentle female friends and siblings.

☆天秤座 ☆
かっかかっかしそうなので、深呼吸を心がけよう。口より手を動かせば上手くいく。お話をする時は、言葉を頭で考えてから、口にだそう。Since you are aggressive today, take a deep breath occasionally. Things will get better if you move your hands rather than your mouth. Think before you say something

☆蠍座 ☆
Today, you are beautiful and popular, but there are hidden enemies. Don't overact. If you act like humble a Japanese person, you can avoid any trouble.

☆射手座 ☆
The Exact new moon will happen on the 11th. But, it's already the time for Sagittarius. Since colleagues and fellows are frustrated, don't get too close to them. Secret and a quiet place satisfy your heart.

☆山羊座 ☆
You may have to get work done, and likely to stay inside for your job. But, peers and friends would be very nice to you. Your mind gets sharper.

☆水瓶座 ☆
自由な時間ができて、急に行きたい場所にいったり、急にやりたいことをやったり。怪我や事故には気をつけてね。遠くから驚きの連絡がくるかも。Having a free time, and go to the place you want to go or doing things you want to do suddenly. Be careful of injury or accident. Surprise contact may come from a far away place.

☆魚座 ☆
仕事で大事な時間に入ってきた。嫉妬やコンプレックスがガソリンになりそう。君の心に栄養を与える言葉や遠くの人。 The important time for work has started. Jealousy and complex become your gasoline. Words and distant people nourish your heart.