Thursday, December 10, 2015




☆牡羊座 ☆
You will be stimulated from someone and go to a distant place. You start preparation for studying. Unexpected letters and gifts from far away. Books and spirituality that change you.

Likely to receive a nice gift or reward from someone. Happy to get things or money. Loans, insurance and banks. And transforming yourself by spirit.

A new beginning of interpersonal relations. Relationships that has been always close proceed to a surprising direction. Enjoy Anyway.

☆蟹座 ☆
Break the restful place once , then you rebuild. Now, you can rebuilt a nice place. There also will be a lot of communication.

☆獅子座 ☆
For things and people you like, you work hard. If you can show action rather than words, you would get attention from everyone. The beginning of the romance, self-expression and children relationships.

☆乙女座 ☆
For family, homeland and heart, you will become wiser. In fact, by the work and methods, we will soften your heart and home. Kind words and contact.

☆天秤座 ☆
You will work hard with friends. But, don't get involve in rumors and gossip with friends. Other than that, you can start lessons, reading a book, and likely to receive unexpected contact.

☆蠍座 ☆
You can increase the money and strengthen your physical, and it is suitable to be under the beautiful new moon. Although, success is visible, but be careful of a hidden enemy.

☆射手座 ☆
New Sagittarius moon. The time you can fulfill your mission. You become a great person with knowledge. Busy, but the state you gained in order to fulfill your mission freely. You will get a reward that has been hidden.

☆山羊座 ☆
To gain secret knowledge, you will start things in secret. You will begin to build a project you cannot tell anyone. Believe that you can express yourself someday.

☆水瓶座 ☆
You get freedom and rights, and this can be a new departure. Projects that do not fit just in this place. It will be your profits.

☆魚座 ☆
The beginning of work and career. There will be supports from elders. You will acquire useful knowledge and you can be yourself more.