Saturday, December 5, 2015




☆牡羊座 ☆
It is likely there will be large movements in the interpersonal relationship, but now you are a traveler and it would be better to discard the obsession.

Be careful and do not overuse your body. it is Important to secure a place and time to rest. you might suddenly get the secret. You might find forgotten and hidden money

Busy, but it seems blessed with a chance to do the things you want to do For romance, play and children, there will be a sudden change and to ride on this big wave is good. you might involve with interesting people.

☆蟹座 ☆
Things that were hidden at the bottome suddenly rattle and start moving. You will move busy though win over them. Be careful about quarreling with family at home. Since the other people are frustrated, do not to stimulate them.

☆獅子座 ☆
Since the words may become harsh so be aware . even you are provoked, try to return with calm words. Be careful with injury and accident when going out. There might be surprises regarding romance, play and children.

☆乙女座 ☆
You are likely use a lot of money for home and family. Try to save unplanned spending. It is Sunday but suitable to do the financial management of the family and home. you might find hidden money.. and be surprised.

☆天秤座 ☆
みんなが君を頼ってくる。こんがらがりそうだけど、手帖にTo Do リストを作って、1つずつ落ち着いて処理していこう。君が焦ったり、感情的になると、隠れている敵がほくそ笑むので、冷静にクールでいこう。
Everyone relies on you. You might be panicking but let's take care of them calmly one by one by creating a to-do list. If you get impatient and emotional, your enemy secretly gets happy, so stay cool.

☆蠍座 ☆
Secret matters start to moving and can become clear. Likely to be about money. What you can do is money management. Rather than Sunday leisure, let's finish up work.

☆射手座 ☆
Everyone is coming to rely on you. You revive your spirit and work on miracles. You will be surprised that you can do such a behavior. It's time to leap.

☆山羊座 ☆
Let's get work done. Finish up documents that have been forgotten and accumulated. Likely to recall work suddenly. Finish therm quickly and Get ready for the New Year's holiday.

☆水瓶座 ☆
Your friends are coming from distance. They may contact you and likely to surprise you. You may be able to get a book that enlightens you.

☆魚座 ☆
Away from the noisiness of December, you are withdrawal. But, you're secretly working hard. But be careful with jealousy and resentment. To accelerate your purification, focus on your work and obiligations.